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MicroAcitve Share交互式數據處理(lǐ)軟件

    MicroActive Share is a cloud based application originating from our existing benchmark software, MicroActive Interactive Data Analysis.

MicroActive Share is a cloud based application originating from our existing benchmark software, MicroActive Interactive Data Analysis.

MicroActive Share allows multiple, simultaneous users to access and process post-run data from any web enabled device as well as threaded discussions with groups or the entire worldwide MicroActive Share Community.




Micromeritics' innovative MicroActive software allows you to interactively evaluate isotherm data. Eliminate multiple, manual trial runs to determine optimal fit for various analyses reports. Easily include or exclude data points Interactive, movable calculation bars Real-time linear or logarithmic scales

· Easily include or exclude data points

· Interactive, movable calculation bars

· Real-time linear or logarithmic scales



For ASAP® 2020 Plus and 3Flex®Characterization Analyzer users.

MicroActive Share is now available for ASAP 2020 Plus and 3Flex Characterization Analyzer Users. Additional instruments are being added soon.

MicroActive Share is currently only available in the United States.








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Copy Right © 2017 LanzhouQianmei Scientific Analysis lnstrument Co.,Ltd. 蘭州千美科(kē)學(xué)分(fēn)析儀器有(yǒu)限公(gōng)司
門店(diàn)地址:蘭州市城關區(qū)白銀路248号        電(diàn)話:0931-8400551   傳真:0931-8400552
辦(bàn)公(gōng)地址:蘭州市城關區(qū)紅星财富國(guó)際中(zhōng)心2320#   Emal:gslzqm@163.com
手機:139 9312 8900    郵編:730030     