he digital display featured on IKA®’s heating bath HB10 offers each user a high ease of operation. The temperature contr...查看全文(wén)
he digital display featured on IKA®’s heating bath HB10 offers each user a high ease of operation. The temperature contr...查看全文(wén)
二元一體(tǐ)壓力/抽吸泵讓ICC基本型加熱循環器同時可(kě)實現内、外部循環,隻需連接壓力/抽吸泵連接裝(zhuāng)置即可(kě)。ICC 控制型可(kě)選配冷卻盤管實現近乎室溫的控制。ICC控制型還具(jù)備程序控溫的功能(néng),可(kě)設置10個程序,各程序可(kě)分(fēn)成10段。 查看全文(wén)
超值的IKA ICC 基本型eco18加熱恒溫循環器,加熱功率高達1500W,最高溫度100℃,控溫精(jīng)度±0.02℃。大面積加熱盤管,加熱速率快;強勁的壓力/抽吸二元泵帶來更好的溫度均勻性;透明浴槽,方便觀察樣品狀态。 查看全文(wén)
儀器類别Compact Immersion Circulators
根據DIN12876 分(fēn)類III
根據DIN12876标識FL 查看全文(wén)
The CBC 5 basic is a powerful refrigerated and heating circulator with strong heating and cooling power for an operating... 查看全文(wén)
The CBC 5 control is a powerful refrigerated and heating circulator with strong heating and cooling power for an operati... 查看全文(wén)